One of the core objective of the SEMPRE project was to involve service users in the design and implementation of new social services that respond to the needs of the inhabitants of rural areas. To this end the partners applied empowerment tools to initiate co-creation processes in their regions.
These processes have led to the development of 26 locally based micro projects which are presented in our brochure "Co-creating Social Services". As you will see the micro projects are very different in many ways. But you will also notice that the micro projects have a lot in common: A strong cooperational spirit, the willingness of social service providers to work in new ways and an enormous amount of creativity.
You can download the Micro Project Brochure here.
Furthermore, we have produced a film about our SEMPRE micro projects that you can watch below:
We hope that the micro projects provide inspiration for service providers and service users alike!
Cover photo of micro project brochure: © Urmas Roos