Location: Municipalities of Luleå and Övertorneå, Sweden
Vulnerable groups in focus: Migrants with permanent residence permit
Coordinator: Coompanion Norrbotten, Helen Nillsson
Socio-economic profile (Source: Eurostat)
NUTS3 Region Norrbotten (SE332)
1. | PPS/capita in % of EU (2013) | 130% |
2. | Population density (2013) | 2,6 inhabitants/km2 |
3. | Relative population change 2011-2015: | +0,55% |
Did you know?
2871 of 9544 unemployed individuals in Norrbotten are migrants (+10% change 03/2015-03/2016). In the muncipality of Övertorneå 112 of 235 unemployed individuals are migrants (+30,2% from 03/2015-03/2016), and in Luleå 691 of 2709 (+12,4% change 03/2015-03/2016).
Visit the local Facebook group page for more information!