
News & Activities

We're not done yet: SEMPRE Accelerators is starting!

Published: 2019-09-01
We're not done yet: SEMPRE Accelerators is starting!

The partners of the extension stage project will apply additional support mechanisms to accelerate the growth and development of eight of the most promising SEMPRE micro projects and turn them into successful, self-sustaining social start-ups that consistently offer services and/or products on local and regional markets of the Baltic Sea Region.

To this end, “accelerator teams” will be formed in the partner regions. Each accelerator team consists of representatives of the micro projects and established service providers. The teams will pool the ideas and experiential knowledge of the service users and the professional know-how of the social workers in order to overcome such challenges as setting up stable and efficient management and leadership structures, extending the range or improving the quality of the offered services, acquiring financing and involving more service users in operation and management of the start-up.

Eight of the original SEMPRE partners are still on bord and will organise the accelerator teams. They are joined by a new partner: the Karelien Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The SEMPRE Accelerators partnership at its first working meeting in Riga, June 2019

Stay tuned, as the SEMPRE Accelerators project will receive its own section on this website very soon!

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Translations of Policy Recommendations available

Published: 2019-12-02
We have translated the SEMPRE Policy Recommendations "Towards Innovative Social Service Provision in the Baltic Sea Region" to German, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. You can find and download the different language versions here.

We're not done yet: SEMPRE Accelerators is starting!

Published: 2019-09-01
Shortly after the SEMPRE project reached the end of its three-year lifetime, the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme approved our application for an extension stage project: "SEMPRE Accelerators for Service Co-Creation". The project is starting now and will run until 2021.

The SEMPRE local networks