
News & Activities

SEMPRE results published

Published: 2018-11-27
SEMPRE results published

As the Final Conference "Make Empowerment" in Riga, Latvia is starting, we are glad to announce that we have published the first results of our three years of work in the SEMPRE project: The "Empowerment Handbook" that gives practical advice on how to apply user involvement in social service design, a compilation of the micro projects that were developed and implemented in co-creation processes in the SEMPRE partner regions and a "pocket" version of the organisational roadmap.

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Translations of Policy Recommendations available

Published: 2019-12-02
We have translated the SEMPRE Policy Recommendations "Towards Innovative Social Service Provision in the Baltic Sea Region" to German, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. You can find and download the different language versions here.

We're not done yet: SEMPRE Accelerators is starting!

Published: 2019-09-01
Shortly after the SEMPRE project reached the end of its three-year lifetime, the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme approved our application for an extension stage project: "SEMPRE Accelerators for Service Co-Creation". The project is starting now and will run until 2021.

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