As the 29th September is getting closer, you can find the agenda, hotel recommendations and directions to the venue (German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure ) for the Kick-off conference “The Future of Social Service Delivery in the Baltic Sea Region” of the SEMPRE project for download.
The project partners are looking forward to sharing experiences and working with you!
In times of demographic change and limited public finances it becomes increasingly difficult for the public sector to maintain a reliable social service infrastructure in rural areas. Outward migration of young and well-qualified people further aggravates this challenge, and vulnerable groups at the risk of poverty and exclusion - such as older people, migrants, people with disabilities, families and single parents - are in danger of being left behind. It is therefore time to rethink the role of public and private social service providers. The project “SEMPRE – Social Empowerment in Rural Areas” explores end-user involvement in service development as one possible path for securing social welfare in rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region.
SEMPRE Berlin Conference Directions to venue
SEMPRE Berlin Conference Draft Agenda
SEMPRE Berlin Conference Hotel suggestions
Photo: © Wiebke Hinz