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Jointly organized regional conference and annual conference in education at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Valmiera, Latvia), 26 October 2018

Published: 2018-10-13
Jointly organized regional conference and annual conference in education at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Valmiera, Latvia), 26 October 2018

The SEMPRE Project partner Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences coordially invites your to the jointly organized regional conference and annual conference in education at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia, which is going to focus on inclusive education and social entrepreneurship topics, emphasizing future professions and skills that will help to develop learning methods and resources that can be used in the future work.

The conference will be divided into two parts. The first part of the conference will be opened by Gatis Krumins (rector of the Vidzeme University of Applied) and Kristine Lasmane (Senior Expert of the Department of Welfare Ministry Social Services) who will inform about the process of social services development and support measures in Latvia. Afterwards the scene will be given to Arija Baltina (project manager of the Ministry of Welfare, lecturer and social work expert) who will discuss about professional challenges for a socially safe environment. Then Valters Dolacis (a lecturer and researcher of Christian Academy of Latvia) will outline the involvement of young people in social entrepreneurship. The first part of the conference will be closed by two SEMPRE project partners: Susanne Gabrielsson (Sunderby Folk Highschool), who has many years of experience in setting up social enterprises in Sweden and Anna Broka (Vidzemen University of Applied Sciences), who is project research assistant and lecturer and is engaged in the SEMPRE Local Empowerment Network in Vidzeme, where she is fostering empowerment processes for disadvantaged end user group of single mothers. Both of them will talk about systematic approaches how to engage in training and employment.

The second part of the conference will be divided into two practical workshop blocks in which teachers and social service providers will be able to exercise practically, learn and try out different methods and engage in discussions. Among the leaders of the seminars there will be psychologists, university lecturers, development coaches of the Creativity Palace, and other significant educational specialists in Latvia. International experience will be shared by the Susanne Gabrielsson who will share her experiences in setting up social enterprises in Sweden.

Translation and interpretation will be provided during conferences and seminars into English and Latvian.

Please see the detailed programme here: Programme of Regional Conference on Education at VUAS

The conference is free of charge. Anyone who is interested is welcome to register for the conference here.

Place: VIDZEME UNIVERISTY OF APPLIED SCIENCES, Conference room (C129), Cesu street 4, Valmiera
Time:26 October 2018 - 8:30-18:00


Photo: (c) Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

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