
The Foundation for Lifelong Learning PERITIA

The Foundation for Lifelong Learning PERITIA

Participants of a PERITIA workshop / © The Foundation for Lifelong Learning PERITIA

Who we are

Our motto: Unleash your awareness, educate yourself and act!
Our passion is to give and share knowledge and we spread this passion all over the world.
By this we change the way people think and thus the world is changing!
The main aim of the Foundation for Lifelong Learning PERITIA is to carry out comprehensive activities towards the concept of lifelong learning through:
relating to the improvement of professional qualifications, full social presence and the individual personal development.
Activity Fields:
The Foundation is a nonprofit organisation. Since November 2014, the Foundation PERITIA is registered as a Public Good Organisation (OPP status).

Why we are involved in SEMPRE

SEMPRE intends to network and cooperate on a transnational basis - our partnership has a comprehensive knowledge base and will enrich competences and skills of organisations from other EU countries and regions, and individuals including Greater Poland  (Wielkopolska) region. This is the surplus of working transnationally!
According to the INTERREG Programme design, our main focus is on capacity building of professionals working in the social service sector. Enabling the staff to work with their end users /beneficiaries / clients /customers more effectively and efficiently will contribute to a sustainable and affordable social infrastructure on a financially sound basis.
Social service providers will deploy more and better tools for empowering members of marginalised groups starting from the macro (European) to the micro (local) level. SEMPRE is understood to be a laboratory for experiment and development. Micro projects are testing ground for this innovative approach.

What will be the most important result of SEMPRE?

Expected Results:

Whom we are working with

We are working with youth in the Greater Poland region:
1.Youth in general 13-19/20 (gymnasium, high school)
2.Youth from orphanages and foster homes
3.Youth with physical disabilities
4.Students with physical disabilities
The Foundation for Lifelong Learning PERITIA
Fundacja Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego PERITIA
Poznan, Poland

Monika Łagodzińska

our latest news

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Translations of Policy Recommendations available

Published: 2019-12-02
We have translated the SEMPRE Policy Recommendations "Towards Innovative Social Service Provision in the Baltic Sea Region" to German, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. You can find and download the different language versions here.

We're not done yet: SEMPRE Accelerators is starting!

Published: 2019-09-01
Shortly after the SEMPRE project reached the end of its three-year lifetime, the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme approved our application for an extension stage project: "SEMPRE Accelerators for Service Co-Creation". The project is starting now and will run until 2021.

The SEMPRE local networks