About the project
SEMPRE promotes empowerment in social service provision in rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region. Social service providers such as welfare and public sector organisations, NGOs and social enterprises are encouraged and enabled to involve endusers – namely members of disadvantaged groups such as single parents, the elderly or migrants – in the development and delivery of social services.
Many rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region find themselves in a downward spiral, where outwardmigration and economic downturn lead to a deterioration of service infrastructure and quality of life and vice-versa.

Competences that are needed to renew services and stimulate social innovation and entrepreneurship are missing while regional disparities increase. Demographic changes and financial austerity further add to these challenges.
Vulnerable groups at the risk of poverty and exclusion are affected strongly by this development because their life chances diminish and their potential is neglected. SEMPRE aims at improving the social service infrastructure by empowering endusers to participate in service design and delivery. Institutional capacity building of social service providers (public, private and third sector) is essential for this process in order to adapt work methods and instruments and successfully manage organisational change.

Photos: (c) Benjamin Suomela / Norden.org, Yadid Levy / Norden.org